Buchalter Nemer Teleseminar – New HIPAA Rules

February 13, 2013

New HIPAA Rules and What to Do Now to Avoid Increased Penalties
Julie A. Simer and Brooke J. Ledger
12:00 Noon-1:00 PM PST (telecast from Orange County Office)

The 563-page final HIPAA Omnibus Rule published in the Federal Register on January 25, 2013 makes important changes to the HIPAA rules for privacy and security of protected health information. Among these changes are new breach notification requirements and increased the penalties for a breach of protected health information. This means that covered entities must assess their current privacy and security policies, review relationships with business associates and subcontractors, review notices of privacy practices, conduct risk assessments, and evaluate breach notification policies. Get practical information on what your organization must do now to avoid significant penalties.

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